Thursday, February 2, 2012

Learning Styles?

Do learning styles exist?

Learning styles do exist, but not in the way most people might think. We all can learn using any of the learning styles but some of us prefer to learn with visuals, sound, or movement. Some students might find knowing their learning style as beneficial. If a student is told they are a better visual learner then they might be able to adjust their studying skills to increase their ability to memorize and learn. People are not just in a category we all can learn the same way, but some of us might learn better through a specific style.

Are they useful for class room instruction?

Not necessarily, a teacher should not base an entire lesson because he or she thinks their class is filled with mostly visual learners. Instead teachers should use several different types of activities to ensure each child has learned the material, some students might not learn the materials from a Power Point not because their not a visual learner but rather they may find that specific topic as a lecture uninteresting. There is also the possibility that the student in question needs to hear the information over and over again before they finally understand.

What is the best philosophy for using learning styles?

The best philosophy is to try to know your "learning style" for studying, but teachers should not base their lesson plans around all their students learning styles but instead try to ensure they are making the lesson enjoyable.

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