Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Double Entry Journal #10

"To succeed in today’s Creative Society, students must learn to think creatively, plan systematically, analyze
critically, work collaboratively, communicate clearly, design iteratively, and learn continuously" (Resnick, 2007).

These seven skills that kids must learn to be successful in today's society are not surprising. I agree our society is changing into a more Creative Society where creative thinkers and problem solvers are more sought after than ever before. Everyone should know how to plan systematically, analyze critically, work collaboratively, communicate clearly, and learn continuously. Learning most of these skills should be easier than teaching young adults to actually think creatively. I often find coming up with a new idea or thought difficult as I am sure others do. People in my generation were still being taught through very old school methods, we never did anything with programing or anything really adventurous with projects. So now when I actually have teachers who try to make us think "outside of the box" I am faced with some difficulty. When your taught in a specific way for so long, and that develops into all you know then being faced with a change in direction can be a shock. Whenever we are young we seem to be extremely creative and eager to learn and as we age and that creativity has been squashed we no longer enjoy learning as much. I believe that by teaching our students these skills that we will truly be doing them justice. They deserve to let their creativity to be free in order to help solve the problems that previous generations have left behind. Students can be successful if they develop these skills, but first we need to get more schools involved in developing these types of programs. I hope that before the end of my career as a teacher that I can work in a school that focuses on how creativity can go hand in hand with learning (even math).

I found this video "About Quest to Learn" to go hand in hand not only with the reading for this journal but also with previous journal readings. This video shows an actual school, the first ever located in New York, that has been created on the bases of game design and how they are analyzing and helping their students develop skills for our Creative Society. 

MacArthur Foundation. (Producer) (2010, Feburary 16). About quest to learn. macfound. [Video podcast]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHtj6PCpyLQ&feature=relmfu

Resnick, M. (2007). Sowing the seeds for a more creative society. Retrieved from http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/Learning-Leading-final.pdf

1 comment:

  1. The problem is not only to children get programmed to think a particular way teachers tend to teach the way they were taught so we get stuck in a cycle the hinders creativity!

    Total 5/5
