Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Double Entry Journal #11

Three Things I Learned

1. Pedagogy and Content are messy on their own but if we bring them together in interesting ways through Shoeman's Pedagogical Content Knowledge we can make them more accessible.

2. "Quality teaching is the transformation of content," (Kohler & Mishra, 2008) just because you are an expert in your field does not mean your a good teacher.

3. Technology is evolving so rapidly that most teachers cannot keep up. "Developing a thoughtful yet playful attitude towards understanding the landscape being created by new technology," (Kohler & Mishra, 2008) can be the answer to solve the overwhelming pressure of using technology that some teachers may feel.

Kohler, M. J. (Performer), & Mishra, P. (Performer) (2008, November 26). Thinking creativly: teachers as designers of content, technology and pedagogy part1 Dr. Geary. [Video podcast]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNoijjIrPT8

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