Monday, March 5, 2012

Website Evaluation

The information on this site "" appears to be correct; however, the information is biased and there is no author listed making the web site seem less credible. 

 Has someone taken responsibility for the content of this Web site?
No one has taken credit for this web site, if one tries to look up the author you will not find them. The author has hired someone to prevent them from being found through the web site.
Can you confirm that the company or author is a credible, authoritative source of information?
No you cannot. Since there is no information about the author and there are several members who can blog on the web site you cannot be sure if the information is correct.
Are there any links to in-depth information about the author or organization?
No there are no links that I saw that would lead you to in-depth information about the author or organization. If you click on the "About" section it only presents information about Obama.

Is the information biased in any way?
Yes the information only presents positive statements about Obama and his administration. The web site does not present any information about any negative impacts that have or may have occurred during Obama's stay in office.
Is emotion used as a means of persuasion?
The web site defiantly tries to convey the emotion of support and positive emotions towards Obama. They use language like "saved" and "fought" for Americans to help convey the emotions of a hero.
What's the copyright status of material found on the site?
This site is copyrighted as of 2011-2012.

Is it important that the information you're looking for be absolutely current?
Yes this is important and the information on this web site does appear current and very up to date.
Is a reference date provided to show when the material was put online, or when it was last updated?
No I cannot find a date that shows when the material was put online or when it was last updated.
Do the links work?
Yes the links do seem to work.

The address does not have an "http" which indicates this site is not a hypertext document.
The domain name is simply "barackobama" which clear presents what the website is about.
This website is a ".com" meaning anyone can run this type of site.

Can I get the information faster offline?
Finding information about Obama is much faster online since he is a current president some information may not be available as easily as the information on the web is.
 Does the online material I'm finding suit my needs?
The information is biased, but the information also seems thorough. The information may only present on side but the information provided is very well written and seems up to date. So the information provides me with half of my needs.
Am I able to verify this information?
I am unable to verify the source of this information; however, I can compare the information I find on this site with other internet sources to see if they match up. 

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